Module VI - Data Management

S3 (Simple Storage Service) object storage has become a de facto standard since its introduction by Amazon Web Services in 2006. IaaS cloud infrastructures and cloud software provide S3-compatible object storage nearly universally. SlipStream takes advantage of these services and its own CIMI resource database to provide a multi-cloud object storage solution.

Benefits of the SlipStream multi-cloud object storage include:

  • Global queries/views of your data across clouds, enabled by the centralized storage of object metadata in SlipStream.
  • Uniform access control across all clouds, using SlipStream users’ identities and roles.
  • Efficient IO via direct access to the S3 storage service holding an object by any client.
  • All data access is via HTTPS, so no special client software or APIs are required.
  • Easy replication and caching strategies enabled by Write-Once, Read-Mostly (WORM) semantics.
  • Definition of rich object metadata via optional use of the SlipStream Service Catalog.
  • Low complexity to facilitate use.
  • Scalable architecture to handle large datasets.

With this solution, you can take advantage of cloud-native storage from multiple providers without the pain of manual bookkeeping and application-level authorization.


This functionality is in active development. Feedback on all aspects of the multi-cloud object storage solution is welcome, but real-world feedback on the existing implementation is especially useful.