
All of the SlipStream source code is stored in GitHub repositories. The open-source Community Edition repositories are under the the SlipStream Organization. You can browse the source code through the GitHub web interface or clone the repositories with a git client.


The fastest way to checkout all of the source code is through the “bootstrapping” process described below. To use that process, you’ll need to have the following installed on your development machine:

  • A git client,
  • A java development environment (JDK), version 1.8 or later, and
  • Maven, version 3.2.0 or later.

Ensure that all of these are installed and working correctly before proceeding.


The major SlipStream components are stored in separate repositories on GitHub. To build the entire system, all of the component repositories must be cloned locally. To make this process easier, we’ve created a “bootstrap” repository that automates the process.

Using the git command line (or your graphical git client), clone the bootstrap repository. The command for this is:

$ git clone

This is a public GitHub URL, so you should be able to clone the repository from here either with or without a GitHub account.

Obtaining SlipStream Components

Once you’ve checked out the SlipStreamBootstrap repository, descend into the root of that repository. From there (assuming that you have a GitHub account), you can then use maven to clone all of the SlipStream repositories.

$ cd SlipStreamBootstrap
$ mvn generate-sources

All of the SlipStream component repositories will be cloned in the same directory. The checkout by default will be at the HEAD of the master branch. The repository names all start with “SlipStream”.

Public GitHub URLs

The above procedure will use the GitHub developer URLs, which require a GitHub account. If you do not have a GitHub account, then use the command:

$ mvn -P public generate-sources

instead. This uses the public URLs for the repositories.

Branches or Tags

By default, the master branch will be checked out. If you want a different branch or tag, then use the following command:

$ mvn -Dslipstream.version.default=master generate-sources

setting the value of “master” to the desired branch or tag. This will consistently use the same branch or tag for all components.

The tags for releases follow the pattern: “v3.55”. Look at the release notes to determine tag to use.

Although not recommended, it is sometimes useful to mix and match versions of different components. Look at the pom.xml file for the properties to set from the command line if you want to do this.