
The following instructions describe how to run the SlipStream server locally, primarily for development. If you are interested in running SlipStream in production, you should install it from the generated packages following the instructions in the Administrator Guide.


SlipStream needs a JDBC friendly database. We use HSQLDB. The SlipStream CIMI server uses Elasticsearch.

Database Configuration

Create an HSQLDB definition file in your home area:

$ cat > ~/sqltool.rc << EOF
urlid slipstream
url jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/slipstream
username SA

The default username is “SA” and the default password is blank.

Starting the Database

The HSQLDB database (a pure Java database) will have been downloaded to your local maven repository when you built SlipStream. You can run the database with the downloaded jar file:

$ java -cp ~/.m2/repository/org/hsqldb/hsqldb/2.3.4/hsqldb-2.3.4.jar \
       org.hsqldb.server.Server \
       --database.0 file:slipstreamdb \
       --dbname.0 slipstream &

Note that starting the database in this way should not be done in production. This is intended only for development testing.

Elasticsearch installation

Follow instructions from Elasticsearch documentation:

Please use same version as the one found used SlipStream server (see pom.xml in SlipStream project).

To start Elasticsearch engine, just type (in the bin directory):

$ ./elasticsearch

SlipStream Services

SlipStream is composed of a number of services. This section describes how to start these services.

Starting the Ancillary SlipStream Service

This service should be started first and includes additional resources, such as event and usage resources. As opposed to the main service, which is written in Java, this service is written in Clojure. The service uses both HSQLDB and Elasticsearch, so they should be up and running prior to starting the service.

The service should be started from the cimi-resources module of SlipStreamServer project.

$ cd SlipStreamServer/cimi-resources

To run the service, export the required environment variables, start Clojure REPL with lein and in the REPL run the commands listed below:

$ lein repl
user=> (do
         (require '[sixsq.slipstream.server.ring-container :as rc])
         (def stop (rc/start ' 8201)))

The services will be started on port 8201. You can set it as needed, taking into account that it will be required later during the startup of the main SlipStream service. The default port is rc/default-port.

It is assumed that an instance of Elasticsearch is running on localhost:9300. If this is not the case, export the following environment variables defining the coordinates of Elasticsearch:

$ export ES_HOST=<es-host>
$ export ES_PORT=<es-port>

The service’s log file can be found under logs/ssclj-.log.

You can add other dependencies to the classpath as needed. This can be done either by editing the list of dependencies in project.clj under defproject -> :profiles and adding:

:dev      {:resource-paths ["test-resources"]
           :dependencies [[com.sixsq.slipstream/slipstream-ring-container ~+version+]
                          [com.sixsq.slipstream/SlipStreamConnector-OpenStack-conf ~+version+]]}})

or providing the dependencies to lein command as follows:

$ lein update-in :profiles merge \
  '{:dev {:resource-paths ["test-resources"] :dependencies [[com.sixsq.slipstream/SlipStreamConnector-OpenStack-conf]]}}' \
  -- repl

By adding connectors jar to the classpath of the service (as shown above) we allow the service to create the connector instances.

Starting Pricing and Ranking Service (PRS)

To start PRS service go to SlipStreamServer/prs and run:

$ lein run

The service starts on localhost:3000 by default. Logs go to stdout/err.

Starting the Main SlipStream Service

To run the main server, drop into the war subdirectory in the SlipStreamServer project and then use Jetty to run the SlipStream web archive (war file).

$ cd SlipStreamServer/war
$ mvn jetty:run-war -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.annotations.maxWait=120

If the last command returns an error like JettyRunWarMojo : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 make sure you have Java 8 installed. You can find the appropriate download from the Java web site. You may also want to consult this article for setting up the environment.

As you can see, we run SlipStream as a war behind Jetty. Now that the server’s running, visit http://localhost:8080/ with your Web browser.

During development, especially when working on the UI with css and JavaScript files, to avoid the war building round trip, you can start the server pointing to source static location as following:

$ export ES_HOST=localhost
$ export ES_PORT=9300
$ mvn jetty:run-war \

The server makes use of Elasticsearch as database backend, therefore, you see the need to set the host and port of Elasticsearch.

To add cloud connectors you need to modify pom.xml. Below is an example of adding Exoscale connector that depends on CloudStack connector. Please note that both jar and conf artifacts should be added.


You are now ready to configure your new SlipStream server.


If you intend to configure your system from configuration files, do not start your service just yet and read on.